Maybe, Bernard thought for a moment, she fancies me a bit and she’ll make things go easier here. His hopes didn’t last long. “So! You are size we call Extra-Large. Here,” she pointed to a cupboard on the wall, “fetch out things and dress.”Bernard opened the cupboard to be confronted with an array of female clothing. It was hardly a shock;, there were plenty of placements where men were expected to dress as women. There were always good excuses given for it, but Bernard knew it was just another. The girls helped and made me change my tie to one they liked better. I laughingly did so saying, "If she doesn't like it, now it will be your fault."May said, "We're not worried. She will like it."April said, "The tie is only important to us. She won't care as long as it's around your neck. She wants to see you."I smiled realizing that April was probably right. I finished straightening my tie, put on my coat, and was walked downstairs by my daughters. They kissed me good night. April said, "We. Low standards if you ask me, but I’m down. He was cute, a bit juvenile looking, but definitely could have been worse. He wore a “Breckenridge, Colorado” baseball cap backwards over curly, unkempt black hair. He had a ridiculous rasta colored adidas backpack that garnered a solid eye roll. Basically, he was cute in spite of himself. We made our way out of the science building, he was obviously pretty excited to have found a fellow smoker of recreational marijuana. His eyes lit up, “You should. Likewise, she swapped her eye shadow for eye cream and her lipstick for rejuvenating moisturiser a couple of years back, and although her wardrobe bulges at the seams half of it is too small or too short; though none of it dare be thrown away in case the next miracle diet really does shift those few extra pounds whilst still allowing a choccie biccie or two at elevenses.Do they sound beautiful? Believe me they are. They may not be Venus and Adonis but they have a certainty and confidence in who.
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